
Kundalini Surjhee Engraved One-Edge SikhKara

Original price was: $105.00.Current price is: $84.00.

With mantra for: Deeply Rejuvenating Effect

Engraved in Gurmukhi, the written Sikh script
derived from 4000 year old Sanskrit, it reads:

Jinahu baat nischal Dharoo-a jaanee tay-ee jeev kaal tay bachaa. Tin tari-o samudar rudar khin ik meh jalhar bimb jugat jag rachaa. Kundlanee surjhee satsangat parmaanand guroo mukh machaa. Siree guroo saahib sabh oopar man bach krem sayvee-ai sachaa.
Those who realize the Eternal, Unchanging Word of God, like Dhroo, are immune to death. They cross over the terrifying world-ocean in an instant; the Lord created the world like a bubble of water. The Kundalini rises in the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation; through the Word of the Guru, they enjoy the Lord of Supreme Bliss. The Supreme Guru is the Lord and Master over all, so serve the True Guru, in thought, word and deed. This Shabad is found on page 1402 in the holy Siri Guru Granth Sahib ji, in praise of Guru Ram Dass Ji. Yogi Bhajan said, Siri Guru Sahib Sabh Upar, the crown of Raj Yog was given to Guru Ram Das.With this shabad it has been said that in whose fortune it is not so written, even he can experience the Chardee Kalaa, the rising of the Kundalini. If you shall do the singing of it, it shall penetrate through all chakras, including the Shashara, and resettle to immaculately purify that person no matter what their destiny is.

Weight: 40g

Widht: 6mm

Custom Engraving, size

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SKU: KSO-40 Category:

Additional information

Weight 526119786 g
Dimensions 526116786 cm

XX Small: 2 inches dia (5.1 cm), X Small: 2.25 inches dia (5.7 cm), Small: 2.5 inches dia. (6.4 cm), Medium: 2.75 inches dia. (7.0 cm), Large: 3 inches dia. (7.6 cm), X Large: 3.25 inches (8.2 cm)